CV artist

group expositions:

2009 allerzielen alom, edam, de rijp, santpoort, holland.
2009 polderlicht 2009, amsterdam, holland.
2008 group exposition, zaal 100, amsterdam, holland.
2008 2x2 projects, amsterdam, holland.
2008 chiellerie, amsterdam, holland.
2007 chiellerie, amsterdam, holland.
2007 orangerie amstelpark, amsterdam, holland.
2007 kattenbak goes chiellerie, amsterdam, holland.
2007 broedplaatsendag, kattenbak gallery, amsterdam, holland.
2007 plantage dock gallery, amsterdam, holland.
2006 kunstroute zeeburg, loods 6, amsterdam, holland.
2006 niemandsland, kruithuis, ‘s-hertogenbosch, holland.
2006 nomadisch museum, grensgeval, baarle nassau, holland.
2006 artihove art center, summer exhibition, bergschenhoek, holland.
2006 accidental monday, sugar factory, amsterdam, holland.
2006 club winston, hotel winston kingdom, amsterdam, holland.
2006 lichtclub, lichtfabriek, haarlem, holland.
2006 artemis, dutch design hotel, amsterdam, holland
2005 notspopup gallery, mtv, different locations in holland.
2005 open ateliers zeeburg, c-burg, drive-in expo, amsterdam, holland.
2005 boek & dvd presentation, nieuwe vide, haarlem, holland.
2004 video group exhibit, park4dtv, seoul, korea.
2004 chiellerie, amsterdam, holland.
2003 polderlicht, amsterdam, holland.
2003 toon festival, gallery de schone kunsten, haarlem, holland.
2003 farben, tam-tam, kunstpavillon, innsbruck, austria.
2002 de witte zaal, gent, belgium.
2002 de schone kunsten, haarlem, holland.
2001 fundament foundation, tilburg, holland.
2001 jewish synachoge, amsterdam, holland.
2001 arti, amsterdam, holland.
2000 hedah, maastricht, holland.
2000 archival, apeldoorn, holland.
1999 monte video & khm, cologne, germany.
1999 arichipel, apeldoorn, holland.
1999 parable fabric, nijmegen, holland.
1999 salzburger kunstverein, salzburg, austria.
1998 goethe gallery, linz, austria.
1998 de vaalserberg, rotterdam, holland.
1998 open ateliers, rijks academy. amsterdam, holland.
1997 het fonds, amsterdam, holland.
1996 wally open-air artlight, wilhelmina, amsterdam, holland.
1996 graduation exposition rietveld academy, amsterdam, holland.
1994 holland festival, westergasfabriek, amsterdam, holland.
1994 student rietveld project, kremnica, slovakia.

solo expositions:

2002 kunst en koffie, nieuwe vide, haarlem holland.
1999 utrecht's video festival (uck), utrecht, holland.
1991 de boulevard, 's-hertogenbosch, holland.

festivals & events:

2008 drive-in expo, taiga festival, deventer, holland.
2007 drive-in expo, openhavenpodium, java eiland, amsterdam, holland.
2007 drive-in expo, buitenlandje, amsterdam, holland.
2006 drive-in expo, openhavenpodium, java eiland, amsterdam, holland.
2006 drive-in expo. droomfestival, blijburg, ijburg, amsterdam, holland.
2005 drive-in expo, blijfestijn, blijburg, amsterdam, holland.
2005 drive-in expo, landjuweel festival, ruigoord, amsterdam, holland.
2005 goodbyparty azart, ship of fools, amsterdam, holland.
2005 midzomernachtparty, blijburg, amsterdam, holland.
2005 pickup winterfestival, westerpark, amsterdam, holland.
2005 kleur van de nacht, interart, sonsbeekpark arnhem, holland.
2004 drive-in expo, droomfestival, blijburg, ijburg, amsterdam, holland.

live video & vj performances & visuals:

2009 field of ears, bimhuis, amsterdam & wolfart, rotterdam, holland.
2008 drive-in expo, gogbot festival, enschede, holland.
2008 drive-in expo, dorpsjuweel festival, ruigoord, holland.2008 dichters festival, leiden, amsterdam.
2008 drive-in expo, vurige tongen, dichters festival, ruigoord, holland.
2007 vj-work, pickup club, amsterdam, holland.
2007 vj & visuals, woman inc. festival, beurs van berlage, amsterdam, holland.
2007 vj performance, robodock festival, ndsm, amsterdam, holland.
2007 drive-in expo, adm benefit party, amsterdam, holland.
2006 vj performance, robodock festival, ndsm, amsterdam, holland.
2006 het seinwezen, ivo & rachel, haarlem, holland.
2006 lichtclub, testbeeld 02, ivo & rachel, lichtfabriek, haarlem, holland.
2006 accidental mondays, sugar factory, amsterdam, holland.
2006 gave avond, de gaven van maarten ploeg, arti, amsterdam, holland.
2006 oud en nieuw, stichting brokken, zaal 100, amsterdam, holland.
2006 vj performance, nachtkracht, post cs, amsterdam, holland.
2006 drive-in expo, spontaan festival, ndsm, amsterdam, holland.
2006 ladies lounge night, lichtfabriek, haarlem, holland.
2005 stubinz pickup festival, stubnitz, amsterdam, holland.
2005 reggea on the beach festival, blijburg, amsterdam, holland.
2005 woman inc. festival, beurs van berlage, amsterdam, holland.
2005 pickup goes paradiso 2, festival, paradiso, amsterdam, holland.
2005 groove lab, improvisatie sessies, pickup club, amsterdam, holland.
2005 vj performances, robodock, aqua-dock, ndsm, amsterdam, holland.
2004/05 reggea videoshows, covenant soundsystem, holland.
2004 hills not skyscrapers, jazz-theater, delft, holland.
2004 gaudeamus festival, de rode hoed, amsterdam, holland.
2004 kraakgeluiden, improvisation session, overtoom 301, amsterdam.
2004 pickupparadiso 1, festival, paradiso, amsterdam, holland.
2003 zappa memorial festival, harderwijk, holland.
2003 trytone festival, panama, amsterdam, holland.
2002 lichtfabriek, nieuwe vide, haarlem, holland.
2002 neues museum, buxtehude passion, berlin, germany.
2002 mindfield experience 2, chicago, america.
2001 mindfield experience 1, chicago, america.
2001 vj performances, recombined stc, san francisco, america.
2001 vj performances, hive, konzerthaus, vienna, austria.
2000 avond v/d langste nacht, ujc, utrecht, holland.
1999 vj performances, ars electronica festival 98, posthof, linz, austria.
1999 sonic acts, paradiso, amsterdam, holland.
1998 vj performances, impakt, oog in al, scala, utrecht, holland.
1998 skyloft, ars electronica center, linz, austria.
1998 tam tam, podewil, berlin, germany.
1998 kunstvlaai, w139, westergasfabriek, amsterdam, holland.
1998 vj performances, recombinant music lounge, miami, america.
1998 vj performances, laager festival, linz, austria.
1997 vj performances, kunstradio, bunker, vienna, austria.
1997 vj performances, berliner theorie, raumschiff sanssouci, berlin, germany.
1997 cloud chamber, ars electronic center, linz, austria.
1997 open studios, rijksacademy, amsterdam, holland.
1997 vj performances, lada 97, rimini, italy.
1997 vj performances, ars electronica festival 97, linz, austria.
1997 vj performances, ars electronica center, linz, austria.
1997 vj performances, kitchen, new-york, america & aec, linz, austria.
1997 type face cafe, melkfabriek, 's-hertogenbosch, holland.
1996 vj performances, paradiso, amsterdam, holland.
1995 vj performances, midem festival, cannes, france.
1995 vj performances, lowlands festival, vpro digitaal, flevoland, holland.
1993 till 1996 several VJ performances with Eyegasm Collectief


video set design for theater, dance & tv:

2008 oeverloos, openbare bibliotheek, amsterdam, holland.
2007 wier, fields of wonder, kw station, leiden, holland.
2006 oeverloos, fields of wonder, kw station, leiden, holland.
2006 veldhovense reveu, hooggeleerd publiek, veldhoven, holland.
2006 de verborgen stad, fields of wonder, kw station, leiden, holland.
2005 i hung my head, het veem theater, amsterdam, holland.
2004 digital poetry 3, nacht v/d geschiedenis, madurodam, holland.
2004 lily & johny 2, dance theater, different theaters in holland.
2003 digital poetry 2, podium mozaiek, amsterdam, holland.
2003 digital poetry 1, vakzuid, amsterdam, holland.
2003 lily & johny 1, dans ateliers, rotterdam, holland.
2003 video set design & visuals, zomergasten, vpro tv, hilversum, holland.
2002 skate dance theater, return of ish, holland and canada.
2001 opera, lost object's, bang on the can, dresden, berlin, germany.
2000 theater, gott ist ein dj, landes theater, aec, linz, austria.
1999 dance film, choreographer marguerite donlon, berlin, germany.
- kunstkanaal, art tv, amsterdam, utrecht and rotterdam , holland.
- dance video festival, spring dance, utrecht, holland.
- dance video festival, dance/screen, san francisco. us.
- dance video festival in focus, badcuyp, amsterdam, holland.
- tanz fabric, berlin, germany.
- ata (artist television access), san francisco, us.
- lokus won the stuttgart dance screen award. germany.
1997 dance production proud 2b loud with nicole caccivio,
- dance festival, kassel, germany.
- theater am halleschen ufer, berlin germany.
- dance festival, biel, switzerland.
1997 new-year concert, dutch blazers ensemble, vpro, amsterdam, holland.
1996/97/98/99/00/01/02/03/04 zomergasten, vpro tv, hilversum, holland.

video-festivals & video-work presentations:

2009 beamlab, pakhuis de zwijger, amsterdam, holland.
2004 shorts film festival, park4dtv, de melkweg, amsterdam, holland.
2003 shorts film festival, park4dtv, de bali, amsterdam, holland.
2003 skor, de 1 minuten, amsterdam, holland.
2002 nieuwe vide, film festival, utrecht, holland.
2001 1 minute, paradiso, amsterdam, holland.
2001 dutch film festival , winkel van sinkel, utrecht, holland.
2000 sponge, san francisco, america.
2000 avanto, helsinki, helsinki, finland.
2000 in focus, badcuyp, amsterdam, holland.
2000 ata (artist television access), san francisco, america.
2000 kunstvlaai, sandberg institute, amsterdam, holland.
1998 petak video medeja, yugoslavia
1998 podewil, berlin, germany.
1997 vrieshuis america, amsterdam, holland.
1996 world wide video festival, den-haag, holland.
1996 millennium, arena and de badcuyp, amsterdam, holland.
1995 dutch electronic art festival, V2, rotterdam, holland.
1995 world wide video festival, den-haag, holland.
1995 university, utrecht, holland.
1995 paradiso, amsterdam, holland.
1995 melkfabriek, s'-hertogenbosch, holland.
1994 paradiso, amsterdam, holland.
1994 melkfabriek, s'-hertogenbosch, holland.

television projects:

2001 park 4d tv, local art television station, new york & berlin.
2000 park 4d tv, local art television station, amsterdam, holland.
2000 fact tv, salto, local tv, amsterdam, holland.
2000 fact tv, salto, local tv, amsterdam, holland.
1999 1 minute, sandberg instituut, amsterdam, holland.
1998 park 4d tv, local art television station, amsterdam, holland.
1996 hongerige wolf, villa achterwerk, vpro tv, hilversum, holland.
1996 park 4d tv, lokal art television station, amsterdam, holland.
1995 3x park 4d tv, local art television station, amsterdam, holland.
1994 2x park 4d tv, local art television station, amsterdam, holland.
1993-1998 vj-work & visuals for different local tv stations in a'dam, holland.

conferences & commercial events:

2009 beyond green 3, amfi & artez, wfc, amsterdam, holland.
2009 the art of fashion, boijmans en beuningen, rotterdam, holland.
2008 stichting interart, honderd lezingen, a,dam, rotterdam, den-haag, holland.
2008 viktor & rolf, premsela, london, engeland.
2007 modelectoraal artez, conferentie, hogeschool arnhem, holland.
2007 beyond green 2, amfi & artez, wfc, amsterdam, holland.
2007 sikkensprijs, mondriaan stichting, rotterdam, holland.
2007 beyond green 1, amfi & artez, wfc, amsterdam, holland.
2007 artez, conferentie, fashion week, arnhem, holland.
2006 stichting interart, symposium, arnhem, holland.
2005 de dag van het schrijven, rode hoed, amsterdam, holland.
2005 modelectoraal artez, conferentie, hogeschool arnhem, holland.
2004 ing bank, dvd, amsterdam, holland.
2004 griezeldecor, vrijwilligers-centrale, arena, amsterdam, holland.
2002 pink rocade, rijksacademie, amsterdam, holland.
2002 betuwe route, cultuurfabriek, amsterdam, holland.
2001 axo, cultuurfabriek, amsterdam, holland.
2002/03/04 interart, conferentie, arnhem, holland.
1995/96/97/98/99 creative events, eyegasm, chesterfield, holland.

curator, organizing events & individual projects:

2009 adm aarde festival, adm, amsterdam, holland
2008 adm lucht festival, adm, amsterdam, holland.
2006 testbeeld, lichtclub, lichtfabriek, haarlem, holland.
2005/06/07/08/09 drive-in expo floating media, holland.
2004 het solofestival, new media & dance, pickupclub, amsterdam, holland.
2003 nestenbouwers, exhibition, nieuwe vide , haarlem, holland.

related works:

2006/07/08 wessel wereld, video assist, wormerveer, holland.


teaching jobs:

2007/08/09/10 hogeschool docent, vav, rietveld academie, a'dam, holland.


website design:


2016 website floating kids 01 rachel de boer

2013 website floating media 03 rachel de boer

2010 website floating media 03 rachel de boer.

2006 website floating media 02 rachel de boer.

2002 website floating media 01 rachel de boer.

2000 gott ist ein dj, ars electronica center, linz, austria.

2000 pict galary, park 4dtv, amsterdam, holland.

1997 sam auinger & rubert huber, berliner theorie, berlin, germany.

1996 hongerige wolf, villa achterwerk, vpro, holland.




2007 nirov, nova terra magazine, den-haag, holland.


2009 wilde mannen, beeldenroute, landjuweel, ruigoord, amsterdam, holland.
2008/09 boxing puppets performance, different locations, holland.


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